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Find Your Next Job or Hire Top Talent with Srisattva Group

We are a job search and recruitment website that helps job seekers discover the perfect remote jobs worldwide and businesses to find the best remote workers to fit their needs all across the globe.
By leveraging the power of technology and skills-based hiring principals, candidates can
- Make the best of incredible work opportunities
- Employers can access a larger pool of global job candidates and recruit the right people to help them succeed.
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post your Job at srisattva group
Quick Hiring
Post job openings on our free job boards for employers to hire candidates in the States and beyond. All you need to do is register to create an account.
Skill-Based hiring
Transcend the traditional job qualification and rigid requirements by hiring candidates based on their skills and abilities, showcased through our skills tests!
High Quality Candidates
Our platform is designed with the needs of busy employers in mind, making it easy to post jobs, manage applications, and find the perfect fit for your company.
Easy To Use
Transcend the traditional job qualification and rigid requirements by hiring candidates based on their skills and abilities, showcased through our skills tests!
How to hire remotely using HireBasis?
Create an account
Create a free account on our website to access the top remote job boards for employers
Post your job listing
Once you've created an account, you can post your job listing for free. Be sure to include all the necessary details about the job, such as the job title, description, requirements, and compensation.
Review applications
After you've posted your job listing, you can start reviewing applications from interested candidates. As the best free job boards for employers, we make communicating with candidates and scheduling interviews easy.
Hire your ideal candidate
Once you've found the right candidate for your job, you can make an offer and hire them through our platform. Use our job aptitude skills test for pre-employment screening.